
AlYasmin store

Online flower shop



The project was to build a website for a local flower store, and order products by categories, and show some the other store services like custom flower Bouquets and online delivery.



The now has three pages : Homepage, Shop page and the Gallery page. The Homepage has many sections one of them is to order custom bouquets by WhatsApp and the other one is for the latest products on the shop.

Shop page

This is the main page to show all products with their prices, else there’s a side bar where you can find the categories.

Product page

This is what you can find when clicking on a product: the product images with the price and you can else add some details, else in the button you can find some related products.

Discover my other projects

this website was built in WordPress from scratch using Elementor pro. The website has three main pages : homepage , portfolio and the about us page. Else it has a customized control panel to make it easier for the client to add new images to the portfolio page.

We wanted to build a website for a restaurant to show the food menu and all the other important info like location and the opening hours.